This and That

And so it goes….

Just some updates from “Verbaville”:

Our electric has been upgraded to 200 amps which means we have more than enough power to do whatever we want, anyone say house concert? 🙂

All electrical is in for the kitchen (recess lights, new outlets, etc) as well as additional lights for the house including some spotlights for our future rootball court. (If you don’t know what rootball is, here’s a great explanation from our friend Zach)

Our new refrigerator arrived today!

Our washer and dryer are hooked up and running!

Gas range arrives and will be installed next week. Countertops next week also.


Oh Ikea, why do you tease us? Its been since April 16th and we still do not have our complete cabinets. We’ve picked pieces up in Orlando and Charlotte, had some shipped to us and we are still missing about 5 pieces. We’ve had some mishaps with the cabinets, mostly in the measurement department. We had to return one for another. As far as build and installation goes, John says the Swedish version of instructions are interesting – all pictures. Because you can have so many versions in a base cabinet, there are pages of instructions you don’t need and also some leftover materials. The actual build was not difficult however I think you need to be an experienced DIYer. Installation was tricky. The cabinets hang on a metal bracket attached to the wall. They have adjustable feet on the front. Once leveled they then attach to each other. It took 1 1/2 days to install 9 cabinets – all base cabinets.

I still love my cabinets. They look great and we haven’t even put the handles on them yet. Functionality is great. My favorite thing about our Ikea cabinets? Well, I’ll let John explain. Take a look at this:


The weather here has been beautiful. I’ve taken advantage of it and have been working in the yard. I planted a new bed in the front and in the backyard added a Willow tree, 2 Apple trees, a Japanese Stewartia, a hydranga and a Trumpet vine. I am also experimenting. I made seed bombs! Seed bombs are a combination of clay, fertilizer and seeds. Instead of tilling up part of the back yard for a wildflower garden, I made seed bombs and just put them on top of the grass. What is suppose to happen is the clay protects the seeds from birds and animals. When it rains , the seeds will germinate and hopefully in a few weeks turn into beautiful wildflowers. Here’s a picture of the seed bombs and the part of the yard where I put the little bombs (the containers mark the outer area of the wildflower garden).:


So there you have it! Our next update should be next week when the kitchen will be usable once again!

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